This content is sponsored by Long Fence When it comes to fence installation for your home, you might think it’s…
This content is sponsored by Long Fence
When it comes to fence installation for your home, you might think it’s important to wait until the warmer months to do it. It’s cold out there and you might not be utilizing your backyard as much, but there are plenty of reasons winter is a perfect time to install a fence.
1.) Wintertime Fence Installation won’t interfere with your summer backyard plans
Once spring and summer come around, you are going to want to get outside and enjoy the weather. Digging up your yard to install a fence can put a damper on your backyard fun in the spring/summer. Wintertime is also the offseason for contractors so they might have more availability without infringing on your plans.
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Gerardo Martinez Cons
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Gerardo Martinez Cons
2.) Landscaping is easier in the winter
If you have a manicured landscape in your backyard, installing a fence in the winter might be a great time of year for you. Since your yard is not being used a lot, your plant life and the surrounding lawn are less likely to be damaged during fence construction. Plus you don’t have to worry about harming your plants with all the digging and installation that comes with getting a new fence put in.
Photo Credit: Getty Images, krblokhin
Getty Images/iStockphoto/krblokhin
3.) Contractors will have more availability and can install it quicker
Depending on the contractor, they will have more availability in the winter then in the spring and summer months. When springtime comes around, everyone will be scrambling to find a contractor to build a fence. If you wait until then, you may miss out on prime backyard fun!
Photo Credit: Getty Images, onepony
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jazziell
4.) Better for your fence
Building a fence in the winter gives the wood a chance to season and become hardy before the summer heat. This can prevent problems that may arise with the fence and the fluctuation of temperatures. These problems can include warping and splitting.
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Alexander Shapovalov
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Alexander Shapovalov
5.) You can better plan out your fence installation
Since your backyard is most likely to be dormant during the winter months, you can better chart out the fence layout, especially when you use trees and bushes as part of the fence line. In the winter, you can see where the reduced shrubbery may not be giving you adequate privacy and may leave too wide of a opening between the fence posts. So it will be easier to put your fence together so that you can make sure you have privacy year-round.
Photo Credit: Getty Images, SVproduction
Getty Images/iStockphoto/SVproduction
6.) Keeps kids safe during winter play
With the holiday season coming up and the kids staying at home during winter break, having a fenced backyard is perfect to keep the kids on the property while ensuring they have a safe environment. You can watch your kids from the window inside the house while knowing they can’t wander off into the street.
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Alexander_Safonov
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Alexander_Safonov
7.) Your furry friend will enjoy the new fence
There is nothing better then letting your dog run around a fenced in backyard! Plus in super cold weather, you won’t have to go on those long walks but rather you’ll have a nice fenced in yard for your pet to do its business in quickly and safely!
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Halfpoint
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Halfpoint
source: https://wtop.com/long-fence-home/2021/11/7-reasons-why-winter-is-a-perfect-time-to-install-a-fence/